Van Albeniz tot Wieck (sorry for those who aren't in this list.)

Van Albeniz tot Wieck                                 (sorry for those who aren't in this list.)
Isaac Albeniz, Charles-Valentin Alkan, Geza Anda, Martha Algerich, Claudio Arrau, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Winniefred Atwell, Carl Philip Emanuel Bach, J.S. Bach, Burt Bacharach, Wilhelm Backhaus, Cor Bakker, Harry Bannink, Alwin Baer, Daniel Barenboim, Béla Bartok, Count Basie, Carl Bechstein, Pia Beck, Ludwig von Beethoven, Peter Beets, Idil Birit, Berlioz, Leonard Bernstein, Mike Boddé, Jorge Bolet, Viktor Borge, Michiel Borstlap, Johannes Brahms, Alfred Brendel, Herman Brood, Dave Brubeck, Hans von Bulow, Ferruccio Busoni, Frédéric Chopin, Aldo Ciccolini, Muzio Clementi, Harry Connick Jr, Alfred Cortot, Bartolomeo Cristofori, Carl Czerny, Claude Debussy, Anton Diabelli, Louis van Dijk, Anton Dvorak, Duke Ellington, Clare Fischer, Hein van der Gaag, George Gershwin, Edvard Grieg, M.A. Hamelin, Martinus Hersman, Iris Hond, Vladimir Horowitz, Udo Jurgens, Pim Jacobs, Elton John, Hank Jones, Diane Krall, Rob Kreefeld, John Lewis, Valentina Lisitsa, Franz Liszt, Arturo B. Michelangeli, Thelonius Monk, W.A. Mozart, Enrico Pace, Oscar Peterson, Bud Powell, Serge Rachmaninoff, Maurice Ravel, Yana Reznik, Jimmy Rowless, Arnold Schoenberg, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Mitsuko Uchida, René Urtreger, Anna Vinnitskaya, Arcadi Volodos & Clara Wieck.

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maandag 31 december 2012

Fazioli's 4e pedaal en 4e snaar.

Het vierde pedaal is een toepassing van pianofabrikant Fazioli:


A new pedal has been created and patented by Fazioli to reduce the sound dynamic and allow playing pianissimo without any alteration of timbre. With the new pedal, the entire keyboard is moved closer to the strings. In this way, the hammers hit the strings with less force and produce a smaller sound without modifying the timbre and the hammer hits the strings in the same place. With the una Corda pedal the soft sound is obtained by moving the entire action to the right allowing the hammer to strike only two strings and thus producing a different timbre.
Consequently with the keyboard shift and the reduction of the distance between the hammers and the strings, the depth of the keys reduces from 10 mm to 7 mm.
In this way the following results are obtained:
Glissando become easier
Fast passages become easier
Better legato
A sound which is much longer and sustained (cantabile)

De vierde snaar is een toepassing van pianofabrikant Julius Blüthner:

The Patented Aliquot System
Generations of piano makers have been constantly attempting to improve the quality of their instruments. Julius Blüthner made an important contribution with the development of the Aliquot System. Patented for the first time in 1872, it was one more step that provided Blüthner's well known warm and romantic sound.Currently, the Patented Aliquot System employs and additional fourth string in the treble section attached directly to the bridge that is not struck by the hammers (Figure 6).
The fourth string is stimulated to vibrate through sympathetic resonance when the other three strings are struck, which results in an acoustical system enriching the overtone spectrum. It produces a very dynamic sound, which is audible over a wide range. This unique effect conveys the resonant treble of the Blüthner piano.
As an example, it is possible to experience this special effect with many of Beethoven's compositions giving an added dimension in tone colour and dynamics.
Another factor that is a great advantage is that all Blüthner strings are individually hitched.This allows for the Aliquot System to develop to its optimum as well as guaranteeing that the strings are tuned exactly. For optimum effect, precise tuning is essential. In today's instruments the 'aliquot strings' are tuned in unison with the trichords.

woensdag 31 oktober 2012

Populair veelzijdig instrument.

De piano is één van de meest populaire en veelzijdige instrumenten. Het toonbereik is groot en wordt slechts overtroffen door dat van het orgel. Ook is het instrument in grote mate expressief. De piano komt in de 19e eeuw tot grote bloei en wordt het huisinstrument bij uitstek. Hij wordt gebruikt als solo- èn als begeleidingsinstrument. Naast het vleugelmodel - klankkast en snaren horizontaal - kent men het rechtopstaande model, dat je hieronder ziet afgebeeld. Dit model is later ontwikkeld en wordt het meest gebruikt omdat het goedkoper is en kleiner.De eerste piano, de pianoforte (dit was een vleugelmodel), werd omstreeks 1700 gebouwd door een Italiaan, Bartolomeo Cristofori, die met experimenten bezig was om een toetsinstrument te produceren, dat meer op de aanraking van de speler reageerde dan het klavecimbel (op dit instrument kon je de geluidsterkte niet beïnvloeden, dus van hard naar zacht was niet mogelijk). Op de pianoforte kon je de geluidsterkte wel beïnvloeden, door de toets zachter of harder aan te slaan. Deze ontdekking maakte het mogelijk dat je op dit toetsinstrument in grote mate expressief kunt spelen.Dit instrument werd pianoforte genoemd omdat je er zowel zacht (piano) als sterk (forte) op kon spelen, iets wat op het klavecimbel dus niet kon.
Informatie over de digitale piano:
Informatie over het electronisch orgel en keyboards:
Meer informatie over de piano: De geschiedenis van de piano.

Wil je zien hoe een piano er van binnen uit ziet klik dan op : de binnenkant van een piano.
Snaarinstrumenten, ook wordt de piano wel ingedeeld bij de toetsinstrumenten.
Ongeveer 7 octaven.
Hout, ijzeren frame en snaren van metaal.
De piano is ongeveer 1,2 meter lang.
De piano heeft zich ontwikkeld uit de vleugel in de vroege 19e eeuw, toen er behoefte was aan een goedkopere piano die minder ruimte in beslag nam.
Hij behoort tot de groep chordofonen (dit zijn instrumenten waarbij het geluid wordt voortgebracht door het in trilling brengen van snaren).

vrijdag 31 augustus 2012

Yamaha disklavier

Het disklavier.
Yamaha's Disklavier assortiment vertegenwoordigt de state of the art piano ontwikkeling.

Hieronder is een opsomming van de technische voorzieningen;
  • It has many new astonishing features, like e.g.:
  • Media Center – Sleek design, which replaces control head (Disklavier will still work!!)
  • Motorized CD-Tray
  • I/O Center – The brains/nerve center of Mark 4 (Harddisk, Linux-PC, etc.)
  • 3 USB-Ports – 1 Host, 2 Device (USB-Stick, etc.)
  • Compact Flash Slot
  • JPEG-Pictures Playback
  • Expansion Ports – Used for future expandability
  • Video Out – Displays Karaoke lyrics
  • Omni Out – Multi-functional ports for any use
  • Digital Audio Output – in addition to existing analogue outs
  • Ethernet – Connectivity with home networks
  • Greatly Expandable Memory - 80 Gb, can hold the equivalent of 80.000 floppies
  • Store CD's– For hours of listening pleasure
  • MSP3 Aktive Speakers – Not on POR-models. Allow fuller sound dispersion
  • Pocker remote control – Large screen, easy to handle
  • Wireless LAN – Gives freedom to move around the house
  • Playlists – Personalize and access your favourite songs
  • Karaoke – Great for familiy sing-a-longs
  • Grey-Scale Sensors – Revolutionary new design
  • New Servo-Magnets – much improved and highly dynamical playback (almost silent in acoustic mode)
  • AEM Tone generator – More realistic voices than ever before
  • Performance Mode – Easy Voice accessibility and layering
  • Key Split – LH/RH seperate
  • Pre installed Software Package - PianoSoft Solo, -Plus, Plus Audio, and much more

More than merely a piano, Yamaha’s Disklavier is a complete entertainment system. Ever since Yamaha introduced hybrid acoustic/digital pianos in 1986, these computer-age ‘player’ pianos have evolved into instruments that can reproduce ‘live’ acoustic piano concerts and ensemble music with instrumental backings and vocal tracks. This unique combination of both acoustic and digital superiority has made Yamaha’s Disklavier the obvious choice of music-lovers, pianists, and educators worldwide.

A True Acoustic Piano with Digital Age Capabilities
In addition to Silent Piano™ system, the Disklavier Mark III Series supports an amazing range of recording, playback, and versatile features, including a digital instrument tone generator for MIDI ensemble performance, SmartKeyTM learn-to-play technology, versatile controls, and comprehensive connections for virtually unlimited opportunities.

PianoSoftTM Brings Live Performances Home
Using Yamaha’s library of thousands of PianoSoftTM software titles, the Disklavier brings ‘live’ performances of legendary artists into your home. By simply inserting the CD and corresponding Yamaha disk, the onboard sound system plays the vocals and fully orchestrated accompaniment, while the Disklavier performs the piano part in perfect time.

PianoSmartTM for Seamless Synchronization
Exciting new PianoSmartTM technology sets a new standard for recording and playback, providing seamless audio synchronization with any standard CD that has a corresponding PianoSoftTM title, as well as the ability to synchronize videotaped performances on the Disklavier and any standard TV monitor.

Mark IV Series – Versatility and Sophistication in a League of its Own
In a step beyond previous models, the Mark IV Series incorporates leading-edges advances, including a high-capacity onboard hard drive and pocket remote control. As a world-class Yamaha grand equipped with today’s most advanced capabilities, the Mark IV is the ultimate piano for home entertainment, business establishments, or creative and educational environments.