Van Albeniz tot Wieck (sorry for those who aren't in this list.)

Van Albeniz tot Wieck                                 (sorry for those who aren't in this list.)
Isaac Albeniz, Charles-Valentin Alkan, Geza Anda, Martha Algerich, Claudio Arrau, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Winniefred Atwell, Carl Philip Emanuel Bach, J.S. Bach, Burt Bacharach, Wilhelm Backhaus, Cor Bakker, Harry Bannink, Alwin Baer, Daniel Barenboim, Béla Bartok, Count Basie, Carl Bechstein, Pia Beck, Ludwig von Beethoven, Peter Beets, Idil Birit, Berlioz, Leonard Bernstein, Mike Boddé, Jorge Bolet, Viktor Borge, Michiel Borstlap, Johannes Brahms, Alfred Brendel, Herman Brood, Dave Brubeck, Hans von Bulow, Ferruccio Busoni, Frédéric Chopin, Aldo Ciccolini, Muzio Clementi, Harry Connick Jr, Alfred Cortot, Bartolomeo Cristofori, Carl Czerny, Claude Debussy, Anton Diabelli, Louis van Dijk, Anton Dvorak, Duke Ellington, Clare Fischer, Hein van der Gaag, George Gershwin, Edvard Grieg, M.A. Hamelin, Martinus Hersman, Iris Hond, Vladimir Horowitz, Udo Jurgens, Pim Jacobs, Elton John, Hank Jones, Diane Krall, Rob Kreefeld, John Lewis, Valentina Lisitsa, Franz Liszt, Arturo B. Michelangeli, Thelonius Monk, W.A. Mozart, Enrico Pace, Oscar Peterson, Bud Powell, Serge Rachmaninoff, Maurice Ravel, Yana Reznik, Jimmy Rowless, Arnold Schoenberg, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Mitsuko Uchida, René Urtreger, Anna Vinnitskaya, Arcadi Volodos & Clara Wieck.

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dinsdag 19 februari 2013

Differences in Piano's Action Mechanisms

Louis Renner GmbH is de toonaangevende fabrikant van pianomechanieken in de wereld. Alle Europese en de meeste Amerikaanse pianofabrikanten laten bij Renner de mechanieken voor hun duurdere en duurste instrumenten fabriceren.

Steingraeber-Ferro-Magnet-(SFM)-Mechaniek® werkte in samenwerking met Renner aan het benaderen van dezelfde aanslag voor de upright zoals bij grands, bij grands zijn de hamers langer en in het voordeel door de zwaartekracht bij het repeteren van de toets.

Steingraber Model 138 is the largest (upright piano) on the world market and sounds like a  6-foot salon grand.  With its latest refinements, this top-of-the-line model achieves an exclusivity that wants for nothing, and was named ‘world’s best’ in Paris.  In music conservatories, small halls, and even in churches this upright replaces grands, to which the motto, “Better a top-notch upright than a mediocre grand,” applies! 
Unique to the market, you have the choice of two touches by different actions:
- 138 K for classical touch
- 138 K SFM (Steingraeber-Ferro-Magnet-action) with a repetition point at 1-2 mm (=8-9 mm key depth like grand pianos)
Optional extra: chamber music dampers in the upper bass register for the bi-chords (+30% efficiency). In the lower section, the large dampers are our standard.

Mason & Hamlin is proud to use Wessell, Nickel and Gross actions in its pianos.

 KAWAI has it's own mechanisms

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